AIR_BALTIC 2, 2016
Photo courtesy of IMA READ
AIR_BALTIC Residency 2
‘IMA READ’ is an artist collective based in Northern Norway, established in 2015 through a local urgency for the visibility of intersectional, queer feminist discourses in the North. The group, consisting of artists Georgia Munnik (SA), Calder Harben (CA) and Madelen Eliason (SE), provides a platform for a collective education on predominantly non-western, non-white LGBTQ2I+ discourses.
During their BAC residency, they work on the initial stages of a self-authored book, preliminarily titled: The ABC’s of Racial Privilege and Prejudice in Northern Norway.
With the intention of getting critical feedback and meaningful discussions on the ABC’s project IMA READ invited the Gotland community to 2 public events:
A Feminist Artist Brunch (FAB), with presentations of IMA READ and the ABC’s project.
More images.
POWER▼MAKT – a one-night-only queer performance club. Entrance to the club will be a piece of intersectional feminist literature (i.e. book, zine, etc.) for the IMA READ library, which will be housed in Tromsø.
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